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taz001 06-24-2019 01:25 PM

Quote of the day
Another from an era of true poets:

"Father We don't need to escalate. You see, war is not the answer For only love can conquer hate.......*" Marvin Gaye Jr.[1939 - 1984**]

* excerpt from the song "What's going on" search it on youtube, awesome song

** Shot to death by Reverend Marvin Gay Sr. April 1, 1984---he!!uva thing to live with ain't it? Killin' your own son?:no:

wheelbender6 07-16-2019 06:29 PM

"Work like a captain. Play like a pirate". - Unknown

wheelbender6 07-30-2019 08:45 PM

"I'm on two diets now. One diet didnt provide me enough to eat". - Steve Stanley

taz001 08-05-2019 10:26 AM

Quote of the day
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - (St)Ronald Reagan [1911-2004]:nod:

wheelbender6 10-07-2019 10:23 PM

"Lies never hurt anybody. Its the findin' out..." -My Name is Earl

taz001 10-11-2019 10:08 AM

Quote of the day
"Be a team player, it diffuses the blame." line from the comic strip Dilbert by Scott Adams. [1957-present]

wheelbender6 10-20-2019 11:51 PM

I used to think the dryer made my clothes shrink. Turns out, it was the refrigerator - unknown

Roscoe 10-23-2019 09:02 AM

A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.
Napoleon Bonaparte

wheelbender6 10-27-2019 09:31 AM

"Look up at the stars; not down at your feet" - Stephen Hawking

taz001 11-12-2019 10:55 AM

Quote of the day
"Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots." ---unknown, but heard from my pastor recently. :tup:

wheelbender6 11-22-2019 06:24 PM

"I can be president of the US, or I can control Alice (his daughter), but I absolutely cannot do both." -Teddy Roosevelt

taz001 12-11-2019 06:20 PM

Quote of the day
"If you want to see a politician squirm, just ask Hillary Clinton to define deplorables." --self :ugh:

wheelbender6 01-23-2020 09:16 AM

"One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives" -Euripides

taz001 02-15-2020 03:01 PM

Quote of the Day
"Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the Democrats believe every day is April 15th." - (St)Ronald Reagan [1911-2004]:thanks:

wheelbender6 02-20-2020 09:16 PM

Life has no remote. Get up and change it yourself - Unknown

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